Loss Prevention

Loss Prevention

Systematic loss prevention

Loss prevention is one of the key issues in retail, warehousing and logistics. Losses not only reduce profits, but can also significantly damage the image of the company concerned. How can the losses be reduced? What is necessary for this? We are happy to answer these and other questions.


The development of a successful loss prevention system requires not only good technical knowledge coupled with interdisciplinary experience, but also comprehensive planning, reflection, business profiling and much more. In order to master these challenges, we have developed a multi-dimensional prevention model that we can implement with the customer using the PDCA cycle.

your added value

Our Loss Prevention System is based on current scientific knowledge and is very logically constructed. It bundles all measures necessary for loss prevention into three categories or dimensions and at the same time reveals how these measures are interlinked. The effectiveness and thus the success of our loss prevention system is guaranteed by the precise coordination of these measures.

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